Notebook Pro 2.0 on Windows 8.1
StokedOnIt has brought its advanced drawing, paper & whiteboard replacement software to Windows 8.1 as well as 10. Notebook Pro has been released on Windows 8.1 to support its users on Windows 8.1. This is StokedOnIt's mission to get its software anywhere its customers are.
"Bringing the Notebook Pro 2.0 Windows 10 port to Windows 8.1 was a little difficult but we got it finished, looking and running exactly how we hoped it would. We are now focusing on future upgrades to Notebook Pro and ports to other OSs" - StokedOnIt Founder
This means that Windows 8.1 users can now enjoy all of the brand new 2.0 features such as:
New 2.0 Features
-Greatly Improved User Interface
-Ruler for drawing straight lines & measurement
-100x Faster loading & 2.0 File Format
-Solid Saving & Recovery System
-Drawings Now Movable, Selectable, Rotatable, Savable & Exportable
-Select Multiple Objects At The Same Time
-Draw Anywhere Even Outside the Paper
-Screen Casting for projecting the Page to a cast receiving device screen up to 4K
-Improved Sharing To & From Other Apps and Desktop File Support
-Import Multiple Images, PDFs, Pages & Notebook at once
-New Object Boxes to Save Objects in for Reuse & Sharing with Others
-Export Any Selected Objects as High Quality 4K Transparent PNGs or JPG Images
-Combine Any Selected Drawings, Shapes & Other Objects to One Raster Graphic
-Erasers Now Move with Objects & Retain Transparency & Export as Transparent in 32-bit PNG Files
-2.0 File Format Supports Thousands of Pages in a Notebook -2.0 File Format Loads Hundreds of MB Notebooks in Seconds
-Import & Export Boxes of Saved Objects
-Thousands More Improvements!
Get Notebook Pro 2.0 for Windows 10 & Windows 8.1 Here